I make my furniture from twigs and Lake Michigan driftwood, shells, stones, bark, seed pods and other natural materials. The challenge is to fabricate objects that require a certain form and symmetry, like chairs, for example, out of materials that are by nature randomly and organically shaped. I seek out the gnarliest twigs and pieces of driftwood, the curved, forked or twisted ones, because they make the most interesting furniture. No two of my chairs are ever alike in construction, although they are all identical in function. They embody the spirit of rustic design by using found or natural materials instead of manufactured ones, and at the same time evoke the many folk tales and legends of the little people of the forest. I have a lot of fun making them.

The little tables' tops are 5 inches above the surface they are standing on, and the chairs are scaled in proportion to that size.

You can email me at gcc@georgecclark.com

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Thank You Evanston Shoppers, and MERRY CHRISTMAS to All!

Miniature rustic twig Rocking Rudolph by George C. Clark
(Rocker length 8 inches)

My heartiest "Thanks!" to the collectors who bought my miniature rustic twig furniture at Evanston Art Center's 2015 Winter Arts + Crafts Expo, and to all the folks at the Art Center, especially Paula, who also purchased this Rocking Rudolph. 

Monday, November 16, 2015

Evanston Art Center Winter Arts & Craft Expo 2015

Miniature rustic twig armchair by George C. Clark
(Height: about 8 inches)

Rustic driftwood twig shore bird by George C. Clark
(Height: about 5 inches)

I just delivered this year's batch of miniature rustic twig furniture to EAC for the:

November 21 to December 20
Open free every day 10am to 4pm
1717 Central Street, Evanston, IL 60201

Come out and see the Art Center's new building and buy original arts and craft in many media by dozens of local artists.  I will be in the gallery Wednesday, December 16 from 10am to noon.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Congratulations to Mary Ann Heidemann

Punk Rocking Unicorn by Mary Ann Heidemann (rocker length 8 inches)

Mary Ann Heidemann's Punk Rocking Unicorn won First Place at the Presque Isle, Maine, County Fair.  Way to go, Mary Ann!  Well done!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Critters Now At Longbranch Gallery, Mineral Point, Wisconsin

Devil Dog, driftwood twig sculpture by George C. Clark

Miniature rustic twig rocking horse by George C. Clark
(rocker length 8 inches)

These pieces, which were briefly at the Illinois Artisans Shop in Chicago before it abruptly closed, are now at the Longbranch Gallery, 203 Commerce Street, Mineral Point, Wisconsin.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

My Miniature Rustic Twig Rocking Horse Workshop at Shake Rag Alley Last Weekend

Every July the Shake Rag Alley Center for the Arts in Mineral Point, Wisconsin, hosts a 4-day WOODLANDERS GATHERING featuring classes and workshops in the rustic arts, including everything from blacksmithing to jewelry making using natural materials like stone, fibers, shells, and wood.  I have been teaching workshops in miniature rustic twig furniture there for several years now, and last Saturday we made miniature driftwood twig rocking horses.  Here are some photos from the workshop taken by me and my wife Pat.  That's me in the Hawaiian shirt.

More Bad News: Chicago Illinois Artisans Shop Now Closed

When you are committed to a policy of saving money by busting public employee unions, gutting the state's education systems, cutting funds for hungry children and crippled workers, it just wouldn't be right to waste tax dollars on culture, so Governor Rauner has closed the Illinois State Museums and their adjuncts, the Illinois Artisans Shops.  Does anyone want to buy that mastodon skeleton from the closed museum in Springfield?  Think what a great centerpiece it would make at meetings of Rauner's $100,000 Wine Club!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Good News: My Work Is Now in the Chicago Illinois Artisans Shop

Miniature rustic twig rocking horse handcrafted by George C. Clark
(rocker length 8 inches)

I am happy to announce that my miniature rustic twig furniture is now being shown and sold at the Illinois Artisans Shop in the atrium of the State of Illinois Center at 100 W. Randolph Street in downtown Chicago.  Just take the escalator to the second floor, where the Shop is located right next to the Chicago gallery of the Illinois State Museums.

The Bad News: Southern Illinois Artisans Shop Is Closed

Due to state budgetary problems, the Southern Illinois Artisans Shop at Rend Lake, which exhibited and sold the works of 750 Illinois artists and craftspeople, is now closed.  It's funny how when times are tough politicians always know the first thing to throw under the bus is Culture.  To be followed, if Governor Rauner gets his way, by hungry children, crippled workers, and sick people.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Another Devil Dog

Devil Dog, miniature rustic twig sculpture by George C. Clark

In addition to miniature rustic twig furniture, I sometimes sculpt little critters when the driftwood so demands.  In this case, I found apiece of driftwood that looked like this Devil Dog's head.  I added the eyes, the fangs and the left ear, a couple of little bits on top of the snout, and I painted the nose black.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Thank You!

Fish Bench, miniature rustic driftwood sculpture by George C. Clark

My thanks to the Greater Independence Park Neighborhood Association who sponsored yesterday's Fine Craft Fair and to the collectors who purchased my miniature rustic twig furniture including the Fish Bench pictured above.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Independence Park Pre-Mother's Day FINE CRAFT FAIR Saturday, May 9, 2015 from Noon to 4pm

Miniature rustic twig chairs handcrafted by George C. Clark

Come to the Pre-Mother's Day Fine Craft Fair Sunday, May 4, 2014 at the Abbey Pub, 3420 W. Grace Street (at Elston Avenue) in Chicago from noon to 4pm.  This event sponsored by the Greater Independence Park Neighborhood Association will feature fine handcrafted items in many mediums including jewelry, glass, ceramics, textiles and my favorite: Lake Michigan driftwood twigs.  Once again this annual event will feature the availability of specially-priced drinks and bar snacks.  What could be better than culture and cold ones on a Saturday afternoon?